Yoga for Skin: How to Get a Naturally Glowing Skin
Face Yoga is essential to rejuvenate your skin. Yoga for health it relaxes your body and mind and gives you a glowing skin. Yoga for Skin enhances your skin and results to flawless beauty.

Face Yoga is essential to rejuvenate your skin. Yoga for health it relaxes your body and mind and gives you a glowing skin. Yoga for Skin enhances your skin and results to flawless beauty. Face yoga helps to keep your face toned and stimulates the muscles and balance your skin radiance. The exercises for face give a massage to your face and regulate blood circulation.
This rejuvenates the skin, improves blood circulation, it helps to restore the firmness and tenderness of the skin. Stimulates cells and brings a flawless glow to the skin. Exercise for glowing skin is a natural process for a healthy looking skin. Face yoga brightens your skin, reduces dullness, face fatigue, and prevent from wrinkles.
Yoga not only enriches face glow but it also prevents from skin ageing, help to restore the nourishment of a glowing and younger looking skin. Ageing is natural that will come with ages so, to take care of your skin you need to practice yoga. We are familiar to physical workout to be strong and fit, similarly your face also needs some yoga to keep your skin glowing.
Take out everyday 20-25 minutes and follow the below mentioned yoga for skin glow:
• Face tap: First sit, take a deep breath, squeeze your face and tap it with your fingers 5 times then relax. Repeat this set for 3-5 times. This helps to brighten skin and stimulates the cells.
• Vowel exercise: To strengthen jaw line one should practice the vowel exercise. Pronounce the letters A, E, I, O, U in a correct manner this expands and contracts muscles. This stimulates the cells and gives a perfect shaped jaw line.
• Pressing water pose: First sit, take a deep breath, fill your mouth with water then tap your fingers on your cheeks for 10 seconds, at last swallow the water and relax. Repeat this for 3-5 times. This reduces puffiness and dullness of skin and hydrates your skin, is good for hygiene. It gives instant glow to your face.
• Puff your mouth: First sit down, then fill the mouth with water, move the water from one cheek to the other, then swallow the water and relax. Repeat this for 30 seconds. This reduces puffiness, hydrates your skin and gives wrinkle free face. This is good for hygiene and skin glow.
• Water gravity: First sit, fill your mouth with water, put your head back, hold it for 10 seconds, then swallow the water and relax. This is a natural process that controls skin ageing and gives a perfect looking skin. Repeat this for 3-5 times daily.
• Kiss the Sky: First sit, look up to the sky, form a pout and hold the kiss for 10 seconds and then smile. Repeat this for 10 times, this gives you a toned face with flushed cheeks.
• Relax pose: First sit, take a deep breath, place the fingers at centre of your forehead swipe it gently, till the end of your forehead. Then close your eyes rotate your eye balls using your index finger clockwise, anti clockwise. Repeat this for 5 times before going to sleep. This relaxes your mind and will help you to get good sleep.
To get complete benefit of exercise for glowing skin one must follow these practices:
Maintain a balanced diet, have fruits and green leafy vegetables
Avoid oily food
Drink 8 glasses of water daily
Sleep for 6-8 hours daily
Helps clearing stomach
Exercise daily
Yoga for skin is extremely beneficial for healthier and brighter looking skin.