What is The Most Effective Weight Loss Method or Program?
If you are a person who is used to consuming sugar in your drinks and you want to lose weight, you can start by reducing the tablespoons you add to your tea or coffee little by little. The ideal would be to consume the drinks in their natural state, without artificial sugar. The same applies to carbonated drinks. Keep in mind that lifestyle change is more important than any fad diet.

Over time, different methods, diets, exercises and endless recommendations for weight loss emerged. For some, losing pounds is practically an obsession. This concern gave rise to the appearance of gurus promising infallible methods, dietitians advising nutritional routines or fit stars influencing physical activities that sometimes touch the resistance limit. All new ideas, but at the same time of doubtful effectiveness.
Science also took sides in this dilemma. To find answers to the indecipherable enigma that losing weight means, hundreds of studies have been carried out in the scientific community. With the collaboration of volunteers and looking for the greatest possible property, the analyses were carried out at different scales. Here is a list of some effective weight loss programs in Florida certified by specialists.
The Best Aerobic Exercises
The Copenhagen University, Denmark, deepened the consequences of one of the most popular sports in recent times: running. An analysis, published in The Journal of Sports Medicine, determined that running 5 kilometers per week is enough to reduce an average of five kilos of fat, as long as it is accompanied by a balanced diet.
Another study by British researchers says that people who regularly walk lose weight faster than those who run. The researchers also found that walking just 20 minutes per day reduces the risk of heart disease by 30% and can also cut the risk of obesity in half.
But there is a better variant to running, since according to research from the University of Jena, Germany, jumping rope is much more effective than running, not only because of caloric consumption but also because it almost avoids exposure to muscle damage. The experts concluded that this aerobic exercise expends 24 percent more energy than running when doing both activities at the same intensity.
Add Soluble Fiber, The Ideal Ally
On a sample of 1,100 adults, a study published in the Obesity Journal explained that for every 10 grams of soluble fiber that people added to their diet, their abdominal fat was reduced by 3.7% over 5 years, due to the effect satiating of this type of fiber that dissolves in water. Some of the foods that contain a higher amount: oat bran, oats, barley, peas, apples and carrots.
More Hours of Sleep
The difficulties that bad sleep produces in the body are known. Anyone who has had little rest could appreciate how it affects our health, mood and even the ability to concentrate, among others. In addition to all this, it can also affect the fitness agenda.
A study carried out by the Center for Studies in Psychobiology and Exercise, of the University of São Paulo, Brazil, revealed that there is a direct relationship between poor sleep and the inability to lose weight: lack of sleep decreases the activity of the synthesis pathways protein, which are the structural foundation of muscles.
The deficit of the hours of rest interferes with the mechanisms from appetite and the regulation of glucose levels to the secretion of hormones, such as growth hormone, melatonin, cortisol and leptin.
Also, loss of sleep causes the body to produce fewer satiety hormones and instead more ghrelin, responsible for causing hunger.
Don't Give Up Fats
Eliminating fat completely is a rule that is repeated in many diets. Analyzing 53 clinical trials, specialists from Brigham and Women's Hospital and the TH Chan Harvard School of Public Health found that weight loss was better maintained over time when following a diet high in fat and carbohydrates, than with those that promote the contrary.
The report highlighted the recommended fatty acids: Omega 9, found in olive oils, canola oils, avocado, walnuts, almonds, cashews and hazelnuts; Omega 3, included in fish oils, linseed oils, walnuts, sesame seeds, avocado, cabbage, spinach, canola oils, salmon, herring and whole eggs; Omega 6, available in flax, grapeseed, pistachio, sunflower seed oils, etc.
Dinner in The Afternoon?
The Pennington Center for Biomedical Research at Louisiana State University conducted an experiment to determine whether eating during very restricted times of the day leads to a much greater ability to lose fat, as well as developing a lower risk of chronic diseases.
Under this premise, the team of scientists developed the test in which the daily feeding of more than a dozen volunteers was reduced to a margin of six hours, even anticipating the time of dinner before 2:00 p.m., which would practically imply delete it. According to the results, the amount of fat burned increased considerably.
Include Watermelons in The Diet
One of the right foods to cope with high temperatures is watermelon. The European Hydration Institute (EHI) affirmed that eating them in their natural state or in juices is the salvation for all those people who need to find flavor in drinks because they are not able to drink plain water.
A slice of watermelon provides 150 ml of water (equivalent to the 8 daily glasses that nutritionists advise to drink). In the same field, orange, grapefruit and lemon appear as excellent alternatives to start the day.
Reduce your Sugar Intake
Everyone knows that the consumption of commercial sugar is very bad for health and this is what the WHO affirms. Specialists recommend reducing sugar consumption little by little not only to help lose weight but also to improve our health in general since sugar is one of the most dangerous substances in the world and that it hides very well in products that say be healthy.
By stopping consuming sugar, we will be preventing the appearance of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, fatigue, cavities, intake of extra calories, etc.
If you are a person who is used to consuming sugar in your drinks and you want to lose weight, you can start by reducing the tablespoons you add to your tea or coffee little by little. The ideal would be to consume the drinks in their natural state, without artificial sugar. The same applies to carbonated drinks.
Keep in mind that lifestyle change is more important than any fad diet.