How to Make Your Restaurant Website Design Impressive?
We’re living in an era when the transition from physical to digital is going on at a rapid pace. In such a scenario, can the restaurant industry stay immune to the touch of digitalization? Good food creates a mood – there’s no doubt about it. However, location, decoration and ambience also matter for the food connoisseurs. When the same foodies use the internet to search your restaurant website, they certainly expect a good look and great user experience.

We’re living in an era when the transition from physical to digital is going on at a rapid pace. In such a scenario, can the restaurant industry stay immune to the touch of digitalization? Good food creates a mood – there’s no doubt about it. However, location, decoration and ambience also matter for the food connoisseurs. When the same foodies use the internet to search your restaurant website, they certainly expect a good look and great user experience.
Love at first sight – yes it happens when your restaurant website design appeals to them. The first impression lingers. If it is good, expect your improved presence online. If it is bad or average, they won’t consider revisiting your website worth their time. As a result, you will lose a chunk of potential customers. A look that excites and a structure easy to navigate! these are the heart and soul of any good website design.
We’re going to discuss a few points that could help you develop a catchy website design for your restaurant.
Go for a good domain name, reliable hosting support and WordPress installation
The first big hurdle to overcome is to choose a good domain name relevant to your restaurant business. It will be the address of your website. The name you choose should sound appropriate for usability and search engine optimization.
Once you are done with that, the next big step is to buy a secured hosting service. The cost of hosting service depends on the type and extent of required technological support.
Next, proceed to WordPress installation. It’s a content management system available free of cost. Website management through WordPress will make everything easier.
Focus on Website Branding
Brand names always sell well! Yes, things have now come to this point. So, you have to swim with the tide. It will take time to brand your website aligned with your restaurant identity. The easiest and speedy way to stand out in the competition is to use proper colours, layout and user interface.
Choose a theme that rightly reflects your restaurant menu. You should develop a different theme to avoid imitation. Hiring service of a low cost web design company in Kolkata is highly recommended.
Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly
These days, most users place snacks or dining orders through their mobiles. Therefore, make sure that your website runs on mobile-friendly browsers. It will expand your business reach online.
Include an Online Menu
People always check out the menu card to place an order. Therefore, the website should have your restaurant items clearly mentioned. The menus should appear in bright and attractive colours and clearly readable fonts. The menu colour should be chosen in keeping with the brand colour scheme of your website.
Keep Your Website up to Date and Secured
Make sure your website is secured and regularly updated. Every single change in menu, working hours, policy and other aspects should find a similar real-time change on your website; otherwise customers’ grievances at wrong information could severely damage your business reputation.