Everything that you needed to know about the parabolic leaf springs
The parabolic leaf springs are used these days in several different vehicles due to the heavy weight that they can handle.

Leaf springs are considered to be an essential component of the front as well as the rear suspension system of a heavy vehicle. The rudimentary forms of leaf springs were even present in the old world horse-drawn carts. During the 1970s, coil springs were introduced into the market. Over the last 50 years, leaf springs have evolved into the most important forms of suspension tools and this has been due to the fact that they offer a lot of durability and flexibility for the users. Different types of leaf springs have been introduced in the market in all these years and one of the most important ones of them all is the parabolic leaf springs.
The parabolic leaf springs are used these days in several different vehicles due to the heavy weight that they can handle. They are considered to be an advanced version of the traditional leaf springs that have been in use for a long time. In the parabolic leaf springs, individual leaves are constructed in such a way that they can reduce the requirements of raw material to support a certain level of load-bearing spring. This is why it is believed that the parabolic leaf springs use about 35% less amount of raw material than other types of leaf springs. It is also the same reason as to why they are more efficient than some of the other types of leaf springs that you can find in the market. They are also designed to deliver much more long-lasting performance over the years.
Hence it can be said that the parabolic leaf springs function as an advanced and evolved version of taper leaf springs. The name of the parabolic leaf springs does not exactly refer to the structure of the spring and its leaves. It points to how the leaves of the spring are tapered from its middle section. The leaves are thicker in the middle and thinner at the ends. The distinct parabolic process that is working here plays a crucial role in determining the way in which the stress levels can be handled effectively throughout the spring. This naturally boosts the efficiency levels of the springs. As the leaves in the parabolic leaf springs taper from the end to the centre, it helps to distribute the stress and pressure evenly throughout the spring. This automatically gives rise to a quiet and more comfortable ride, irrespective of the fact whether the vehicle is fully loaded or empty.
The parabolic method of arranging the leaves can help each of the leaves to operate independently with optimum levels of flexing without compromising the load-bearing capacity in any way. Such features naturally make the parabolic leaves some of the most widely used spring leaves in the world. If you are thinking of getting the parabolic spring leaves for your vehicle, you will find that SONICO in India can provide these products.Your search for parabolic leaf spring end here at SONICO, the next generation leaf spring company.